A downloadable game

WARNING - This game won't work by itself, you'll need the engine Create Your Frisk to play it, you can get it here.
For the version 2.0, it's required that you use CYF 0.6.5.
Once you get it, move this battle in the "Mods" folder of Create Your Frisk. -

2nd WARNING - This is obviously a spoiler for the genocide route in Undertale. If you never played Undertale, I suggest you to go play it before playing this battle. -

This is a remake and also an harder version of the battle in Undertale against Undyne in the genocide campaign.
Gameplay normal difficulty:

Gameplay impossible difficulty:


   Undertale by Toby Fox;
   Create Your Frisk by RhenaudTheLukark;
   Battle remake by me.

   Undyne and Undyne the Undying 2x resolution sprites made by imkuut;
   Some Monster Kid's sprites made by RoxelGm.

   Battle Against a True Hero by Toby Fox;
   Battle Against a True Hero Remastered by ?;
   Battle Against a True Hero Dual Mix by iwannabethecollector;
   But the Earth Refused to Die by Toby Fox;
   In My Way by Toby Fox;
   Waterfall by Toby Fox.

Undyne the Undying idle animation by BOBtheman2000;
Wave shader fixed by TheEternalShine.

-Special thanks:
   Insipired by the Undyne the Undying DDD animation by Theking35;
   Thanks to:
      -Wenbo Bao
      -Gabriel Poetsch
   for creating Dain-App, which was used to create many animations in this game;
   Thanks also to:
   for helping out in some programming problems.


Undyne the Undying v2.0.1.zip 14 MB

Install instructions

This game won't work by itself, you'll need the engine Create Your Frisk to play it, you can get it here.
CYF 0.6.5 is required to play the new version.
Once you get it, move this battle in the "Mods" folder of Create Your Frisk.

Development log


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i fucking hate you


I cannot even believe this is five years old while the fanbase is flooded in Sans fights.

Where was any discussion about THIS fan game!?


Aww thanks, glad you like it! I'm already more than happy with how known it currently is, though.
Also wow, you're right, the version 1.0 is already five years old, time sure flies!


Hopefully, this would not be the last from you.


It won't, don't worry


Hi! Not to be noisy, but is the next version still being made?

Hi, no worries! The next version is still on hold for the moment, I'm waiting for the new version of Create Your Frisk to be finished, which adds a lot of new things that I'd like to have for this game, like controller support. Right now though I'm working on another project, so even if the new CYF version gets released soon, I'll probably first finish creating that game and then come back to update this one.


Oh cool! Which game btw? Can i follow it?

It's a short survival horror game made in Unreal, though I still haven't created the game page as I'd like to have something like a demo or at least a trailer ready first.


Honestly, Undyne's sprite looks almost worse than in the original game (especially the head). Increased resolution in pixel art doesn't necessarily mean better quality. For example, in this video, Undyne's sprite looks much better, yet its resolution is way lower

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I cant get this to show up on create your frisk, im using 0.6.5. Could I get some help?

Hi, you only need to put the extracted folder in the "Mods" folder of cyf and then you should be able to see it in the mods selection screen of cyf.

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This didnt work for me. IDK why.

If the only problem is that the mod isn't showing up in cyf's selection screen, then you probably put the zipped folder in there. You need to unzip it first to see it in the mods' selection screen.

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I hope that the next update will allow players to use the mouse to control the shield's steering, because green soul cannot flexibly control the shield's steering when dealing with certain attacks.And I also hope that undyne's attack can be simpler, so that it is easier to defeat her.

Do you still intend to update this game?

Hi, yes that is still my plan, though this project is a bit on hiatus for the moment as I'm working on different projects right now.

how to play? i just download the files but its dont have a laucher

You need CYF 0.6.5 to play this.
Getting the 0.6.5 version is important, as you may experience some errors if you play this game with another version of the engine.

Here's the link to get the 0.6.5 version. You can also find the link to it in the readme file in the download or in the install instructions here.

If you are still having any problems you can use this video as a guide to download CYF(though in the video it shows how to get the latest version of CYF, which right now is 0.6.6, so you would need to scroll a bit down to reach the 0.6.5 version and play this).

Hello! I was wondering since you're trying to make 3.0, will you port this game from CTF to Kristal? https://github.com/KristalTeam/Kristal/releases/tag/v0.7.0

Hi! From what I know, Kristal is an engine for deltarune battles only, so the answer is no.
I'm sure it is possible with a bit of a workaround to create an undertale-style battle, but what would be the point of doing it if CYF already does it? Besides, CYF recently got an update, version 0.6.6, which adds a lot of new things that will help me add new features to the game


Oh yeah, i forgot about that! Also didn't know a new version of CTF is comin out! I'm excited to see what you have in store.

Thank you!

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I got this error message on the first red + blue arrow attack in normal difficulty. It happens when I get hit or when I block an arrow.

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Hi, I'm sorry that your playthrough got interrupted like that.
Are you using the version 0.6.5 of Create Your Frisk?

I am using version 0.6.6. Should I use 0.6.5 instead?

This game was made with CYF 0.6.5. It could work with CYF 0.6.6, but you have to keep in mind that there could be some retrocompatibility issues.
If you don't want to risk getting some random errors, you should play it with the version it was created on


Well, Im her to ask if there are news about The 2.2 version

Hi, sorry for the late answer.
The next update has been in a bit of a hiatus for a bit, not really sure when it will be released, unfortunately. Programming wise, about half is done. I still think that I can get it done by this year, but I don't want to give any actual hope until I'm sure.

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Finally was able to defeat Undyne in easy mode a couple of times (even if i'm still having dificulties evading some attacks.) Can''t stress enough on how smoth the animations are. Hell if you had a team and were paid to make these games i would like to see how each boss monsters fared. For now i'm excited for the next update!


Thank you! Glad you like the game, the next update will with a bit of luck be out around December or the first months of 2022, though it's still a bit early to say for sure.
Also sorry for the late reply.


Finally got to the final attack in impossible mode... Lets see if I can finally beat it.


Yes! Finally managed to beat impossible mode and recorded it. The final section of the last attack is rough. Took me about a month to beat it and I only reached the last attack four times total. Even then, I barely got passed it with one hit left. Great game.


Heey, congrats! You sure are determined.
And also thank you very much, I'm happy that you enjoyed the game.

Congratulations man, you finally beat it, guess I have to try a little harder to beat It myself. Also I would like to see that last attack, If you uploaded The  vídeo, can you send me The link?

Here is the link. 

Undyne the Undying Fight Remake (Impossible mode) by RG00 - YouTube

The final attack starts at 16:55. It seems to have some variation so you will probably see a different one. The only one that seemed consistent was the sea of spears at 17:38. 

Thank you dude, You Will see, I will definately beat her

Good luck


Back to bussiness, I finally beat normal mode some weeks ago, and I'm almost beating imposible mode, I'm just scared of how that last attack is going to be. Normal mode last attack sure caught me by surprise. I just love your game man, I'm expexting the new version


Same. I can get about halfway pretty consistently on impossible mode and within three or four hits of the final attack but never quite there. Some of the attacks just destroy me for some reason.

Undyne's attacks ramp up in difficulty as her hp decreases or as time passes. In impossible mode(and also in normal mode), her attacks reach the maximum level of difficulty when she is below 1/3 hp left(or when a lot of turns pass, but usually, unless you keep skipping turns, you'll reach that part before because of her low hp). At that point you'll be facing against the hardest attacks in the game, but she also has low health, so if you manage to hit her just a few more times, you'll end the difficult part immediatly.


I did notice that. Most of the attacks I can handle, for the most part. There are a couple that give me problems and there are also some variations of attacks that i've only seen once or twice. It's a very challenging fight but I'm enjoying it very much

Thanks! If there is some attack in particular that's giving you too many problems, you can ask here and I'll try to explain how to dodge/block that.


It's less that I don't understand how to avoid damage and more I just find it somewhat challenging. The one that immediately comes to mind is the random spears with one of each color coming from a random direction. I often fail to spot the next one in time. 

I usually get somewhat lost when all four colors are on the screen as well, but I think that's more my lack of exposure to it than anything else. All four usually don't appear until the final few attacks so it makes it a little difficult to practice.

Honestly, all of the attacks are really well balanced and defiantly avoidable. I feel like there are probably some I haven't seen yet, or at least a variation of one. I know I've only seen the 3x3 spear box once, which threw me off for a bit when it happened.


Thank you very much!

Any luck in beating impossible mode?

Sorry about The late reply. I haven't played since long ago, because I have been bussy, so probablly is going to make me a while to return, and even more to reach to that point again. Anyways, any luck from your part?

No problem. I finally managed to beat it about two weeks ago. It is rough, especially that final attack.

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I changed my username/display name, so can you make more tests? like Papyrus, Asgore, Sans, Muffet and Others....

ill wait when your ready..

Hello, sorry, but that's not gonna happen. Undyne already took and is still taking me a lot of time to finish, I'm not going to remake all of the bosses.

well ok


Definitely a cool fight. Much harder than the original. Still trying to wrap my head around controlling two shields when the fingers do opposite things but enjoyable. Haven't beaten it yet but getting there.

Thanks! I'm glad you like it, also good luck, if you managed to reach the double shield part in normal difficulty, than it's just a matter of a few more turns before you defeat her(be prepared for her last attack though, which she does only in normal and impossible mode).

Yeah. I was a couple of hits away from beating her. Little worried about the last attack now but I'll get it eventually. Just have to keep trying. 

Finally reached the last attack.... this is gonna take a while.

Finally beat normal mode. Impossible is next.....


Good job, beating normal mode is quite the feat! Good luck on impossible mode, and also sorry for the late answer, I haven't been able to be much online these last few days.


Ok that's super cool i wonder..... if you could add more attacks and things like...

speed setting, etcs

Hi, thanks! New attacks are definitely going to be one of the things that the next version will include.
I've been already asked about putting some game modifiers(like indeed speed settings, or even hp or damage modifiers), which I think I can do, though I'm still not entirely sure about the speed modifier, as that might just make some attacks a bit impossible as there wouldn't be enough time to react probably, but we'll see, I'll try to make some tests, maybe something like 1.5 times the game speed could still be doable.

Sorry to bother friend, but when I enter the game I hear shit sounds and then only a black screen appears, but the options are there but I do not see them, can you help me?

Hi, that's strange, have you by any chance modified some files of the game? If you have, deleting that version and downloading the game again can fix it.
Also, it could be that your CYF version isn't 0.6.5, so check for that too.


thanks now if I can play on purpose ... IT'S BETTER THAN THE ORIGINAL

Thanks, glad you like it!

So... any news to future updates?


Hi, sorry, but it will still take a bit, I'm busy with exams right now, so I can't really work on this for the moment.

Understandable, have a nice day.

but when I open it in unitale I get an error in script can you help me please :(

Hi, this game won't work in unitale as unitale is far too outdated, you'll need Create Your Frisk 0.6.5 to play this, you can download it here.
Also there's this video tutorial if you're having trouble downloading it.


That remake  is so cool.

Thank you!

its a little impossible

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A question I have since the first time I played the impossible mode is: what is Impossible Undyne evasion rate?

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She has a 50% chance to dodge in the impossible difficulty, though there are also some special rules to prevent being very lucky or very unlucky:
-She can't dodge twice in a row, so if she already dodged once, the next attack will surely hit her;
-She can't be hit three times in a row, if you hit her twice in a row, she'll surely dodge the third attack.
For the normal mode these special rules are different.
Edit: Also she won't dodge after the final attack.

If you mean I can't hit Undyne three times in a row I've made it several times, she also dodges very often, sometimes even twice in a row idk if it is a bug or anything else

No, it's not a bug, in normal mode Undyne can dodge twice in a row, but the chances to dodge your attack are 20%, also you can hit her three times in a row.
What I said in the previous comment is only in the impossible mode.


I know, the things I said happened to me in the impossible mode, that is the reason I asked if it was a bug or something like that, I even recorded in a video the three hits in a row thing, but I can't share it because it is too heavy to share it here

Yeah, I checked the code for those special rules, and there's actually a ">" instead of a ">=" in the part where it checks for the hits in a row, so right now you can hit her three times in a row in impossible mode and four in normal mode, thanks for making me notice this bug.
The part with the number of dodges seems right though, she can dodge only once in a row in impossible and twice in normal.

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Dude, I just love your game. It is the best fan game I've played so far, despite I can't complete the impossible mode. The Undyne fight is my favorite fight in the original game and you make It even better so thanks. The only thing I don't like that much is the Undyne the Undying sprite that her face  looks a little different compared to her original face, I don't know, just wanted to say it,  it is not a real problem, the fight stills awesome. Apology if my english wasn't good

Thanks a lot! I'm very glad you like it.
Also, the possibility to chose the weapon and the armor will come in the future, which will greatly help to make the impossible mode a bit easier(though, Undyne will also have new attacks).
About the sprite, I understand that some people prefer the original one, but there isn't much I can do unfortunately. Some time ago, I thought about giving the player the possibility to chose between the original sprites and the new ones, but the problem is that I made a lot of different expressions and new frames for Undyne to make animations smoother, and I'd need to do the same with the original sprites in that case, which would take way too much time(especially the melting animation).
Also, don't worry, your English is very good.

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Ok, don't worry, you don't need to change anything I just wanted to say it because it felt weird the first time I saw her face, it isn't a real problem, like i said before, your game is amazing. By the way if it is not  a problem with copyright or anything else you could add more battle themes

Thanks, I'll see what I can do.

Ok, thanks to you, if it helps somehow an amazing Battle Against a True Hero cover is the Intense Symphonic Metal cover made By Falkkone, it is my favourite one :)

It shouldn't be too difficult, I checked the Falkkone's faq and it says that it's possible to use his covers for free fangames.
I only need to give it a better loop, I guess.
In the meantime, you can easily put your own music in the game, just go in this mod folder, then in the "Audio" folder. There you can replace the musics with the ones you prefer, though, they need to be .ogg or .wav files.

salut, je ne comprends pas comment jouer le jeu des fans

Hi, to play this you need Create Your Frisk 0.6.5, you can download it here.
After that, download this game and extract the zip folder to the "Mods" folder of CYF 0.6.5.
If you want, there is also this video tutorial that explains step by step how to do this.

sa à marcher merci 


Hi, it's a shame that one of the best fan games doesn't have enough reviews. Your game is incomparably better than the original Undyne fight and has so many visual improvements as well as tons of new cool mechanics. But I also find some flaws in it, for example sometimes attack animation playing in intro or not appears at all when it should. But the biggest trouble for me is that some attacks (mostly green soul ones) literally hard to look at, my eyes get tired very quickly and i cant react fast enough to spears with different speed and color especially when attack patern is supposed to be tricky by itself. Please note that i only mentioned some problems and that doesn't mean that i don't like it, the fight itself is adorable. Also sorry if i misspelled something, hope you get the idea

Hi, thanks, I'm happy that you like this game so much.
About the attack animation bug, do you know a way to replicate this bug? Or do you have a screenshot or video to show when it happens specifically? Also, are you playing on the v2.0.1 version? Because the v2.0 had some debugging codes that I forgot to delete and some of them could trigger the attack animation, so this could be the reason of this bug.
Also, the green soul attacks are supposed to be hard and most of them tricky, though I'm not sure if there is much I can do about this, as this fight is one of the hardest in undertale, so I don't think that I can make the spears easy do block, and at the same time, I can't make the shield faster in most attacks, because then the player could just keep it spinning forever and no spear would be able to make it through.
Though, the next update will give the player the choice to not only customize the inventory, but also the weapon, which could make it easier to win against Undyne, as you could deal more damage, thus making the fight shorter and easier (but it will take a while, as the colored sprites are still far from finished and also because there will be new sprites and new animations, with a few new attacks also).
And don't worry, I like getting feedbacks!

Attack animation bug was in both 2.0 and 2.0.1 it triggers mostly when you press x and z butons to skip intro, but i have no idea what causes slashing sprite to disappear  randomly. Also when it comes to Undyne i think she's far more powerful and emotional than tricky. It is the hardest fight by far because of attacks being fully random and only following their pattern, but with high variety. Most fan fights made like a movie with fixated scenario, so you can wear blindfold and win it because you learned all the moves, but not this one, that fight each time a bit different 

I tried spamming x and z as fast as I can, but I can't reproduce this bug, does it happen in the middle of the intro, while Undyne is talking? Unless you are talking about the attack animation that Undyne does at the end of the intro? In that case, it's not a bug, it's scripted, as Undyne's first attack will always be with the green soul mode, and you start with the red soul, so when the fight starts she has to turn you green.
Also, yeah, I agree with what you said, though she tries to trick the player with her attacks in the main game too by using spears with different speed and most of all the yellow spears. Though she still fights fair, trying to trick the opponent with a fake attack so that they block in the wrong direction isn't uncommon or unfair.
About the random attacks, I understand why most fangames use a fixed scenario, as you reset the time, so it's like nothing has ever happened and they do the same attacks, though I think that different things could make the battle different, like being in a different position or doing something different from the previous fight would make Undyne consider using another type of attack instead of the one she used previously, so I decided to give her random attacks(which will be much more random and pattern-less in the next update).

Yeah bug in intro happens randomly too and i talk about player attack animation, not Undyne's spear that changes soul colour. Thank you so much for answers, I'm excited for new updates

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Oh, I see now, I'll try to look into code that manages the player attack animation, thanks for reporting this bug!

hola ya solucione el problema pero ahora tengo otro que es que no me aparece en la app de crate  your frisk ;C


Hello, I'm happy that you solved the download problem.
About this problem, instead, if the mod isn't appearing in CYF, it's probably because you didn't unzip the folder.

no me deja descargarlo dice que el archivo esta dañado: c que hago 

Hi, I'm sorry to hear that.
Maybe it's your antivirus that it doesn't let you download it?
Or it could have just been a moment in which itch.io's network wasn't working fine, as that happened to a few users when they were trying to download large games(though, this is just a 14 MB download, so I doubt that this was the issue).

this is pretty cool :)

Thank you!

So how are things going?

Hi, sorry for the late reply.
Things are going slow, but not much remains to do, I'm expecting to upload this next version this weekend or monday if no bugs are found during the beta testing.

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Good encounter, someone brought it up in Unitale and CreateYourFrisk's Discord server and it gave me some bang for my buck.

Might wanna post your encounter in Unitale and CYF's subreddit and Discord server once it'll be done, I discovered I suck a lot when it comes to green soul waves, even more so when the shield's controls are delayed.

Hi, and thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed the battle.
Also, I already made a post about this mod in the subreddit, although  I think I'll do another one when the v2.0 will finally be finished.
And don't worry, it's not that you're bad at the green soul waves, those waves are actually a bit hard, but I can't really bring myself on making them easier as it's Undyne the Undying we're talking about here XD. Although maybe I'll do a normal Undyne battle after the v2.0 (still not sure about that though, mostly because I would need to remake a lot of  sprites, which is a thing I'm not really good at).

Do you still support your game? a lot of time has passed since the announcement of v2.0...

Hi, yes, I still support the game. I can assure you that I'll never abandon the project of making the v2.0, although it will unfortunatly take a while, as I'm still missing quite a lot of colored sprites. In the next months, I'll create another development log about the release date.

Sorry if it's taking longer than expected.

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Hi, i'm working on an animation about your game, can we work together please.  Phase 1 is really, but in my project there is 3. I  will send you a teaser  soon about the music and the sprites because  i have a lot.

Let's help each other ;)

I'll give you credits, and people will know your work. I need people who build hard fight pattern like you. And i find you.

I make some animations like these before : 


Hi, I'd be more than happy to help you make the animation.
I just watched the animation in the link and it was really cool, can't wait to see the teaser!

Here the teaser "Full Ost" of Undyne The Undying fight :


I want to share you all my ideas to give you inspiration  for the      phase. Have you a discord,   facebook,  twitter   or a   mail   account   so   i   can  send   you.

You can add me on discord if you want, RickG00#4803

Did you receive my invitation, my name is "Just Someone".

The Phase 1 animation  is complete but i will make a new sprite for her.

The Phase 2   sprite needs maybe more frame,   what   do   you   think   ?

The   Phase   3   sprite will   have   some     change too.

Just watched it, I agree with you, phase 2 needs a little more frame, mainly on the last part of the animation where undyne goes down before the animation starts again.

The animation of phase 3 is smoother than the one in phase 2, but I think it should also have another frame at the end of the animation to make the animation of the arm with the spear and the torso smoother.

Other than that, good job on those remixes! I really liked them!

Fancy seeing you here...